
What kinds of services does the Williams Center provide and to whom?

We offer workshops to train individuals, groups, and classes on best practices in oral history. Staff is available for guest speaking engagements for groups and classes. And staff is available for consultation for any stage of an oral history project. Staff also works with individuals and/or classes to assist them in the use of the Center's existing collections.

How do I start my own oral history research or project?

If you are starting from scratch, you may want to contact the Center's director to schedule a consultation to get an idea of efficient project management that will fit your goals and timeline.

To prepare for such a consultation or to begin working on your own project right away, see the Center's online resources.

I am a teacher or a professor and I would like to incorporate an oral history project into my curriculum/syllabus. Can the Center help? Can we donate materials from the project to the Center?

We are happy to help others use oral history at the university and secondary level. We currently have a guide to incorporating oral history into the classroom and offer teacher training as well as student training by conducting workshops.

We also recommend browsing our Resources page to find out more about how to design oral history projects, methodology, etc.

If you are interested in depositing these interviews into the Williams Center's collection which is housed in Hill Memorial Library, we encourage you to contact us early in the planning process to begin this partnership so that we can assist with training, coordinating proper paperwork, and disseminating policies and standards.

Please contact the director at

Can your staff train me or my group? Can we deposit the interviews in your collection?

We thoroughly encourage oral history research and it is part of the Center's mission to work with the public through guest speaking engagements, workshops, consultations, and partnerships. We can customize workshops for you or your group, depending on your needs in regards to project planning, field training, and the creation of secondary sources like books, websites, exhibitions, etc.

If you are interested in depositing these interviews into the Williams Center's collection which is housed in Hill Memorial Library, we encourage you to contact us early in the planning process to begin this partnership so that we can assist with training, coordinating proper paperwork, and disseminating policies and standards.

To find out more about this, please contact the director at Staff will be in touch with you to set up a consultation to talk about availability, logistics, and any possible fees or travel costs.